Ownership of Ideas Created While on the Job



  • Available Until 3/21/2027
  • Next Class Time 1:00 PM ET
  • Duration 60 min.
  • Format MP3 Download
  • Program Code 03212025
  • MCLE Credits 1 hour(s)

Course Price: $65.00


Ownership of “ideas” – tangible inventions, “know-how” or processes, or other tangible or intangible property – is often an area of substantial dispute between the creator/inventor and his or her employer.  Though it seems axiomatic the creator owns invention, if the invention – often very valuable property – is created on the job or using employer resources, the employer has a substantial claim to ownership. Indeed, the employee may have been hired for the purpose of creating intellectual property essential to the employer’s success.  Putting in place policies and procedures to ensure employers have clear title to this type of property is essential to avoid protracted, costly, and potentially ruinous litigation. This program will provide you with a practical guide to ownership of intellectual property created on the job. 


  • Ownership of ideas, information, know-how and other property created on the job by employees
  • Impact of scope of an employee’s duties on ownership of property created on the job
  • Role of adequate compensation in protecting employer property
  • How some property created on the job is an employee’s – not the employer’s – even if in scope of duties
  • Essential agreements, policies, and practices to preserve employer property
  • What to do if asserts ownership to property created on the job



Kelsey Schmidt
Kelsey Schmidt is a partner in the Labor and Employment Practice Group in Haynes Boone’s Denver office. Her practice involves defending litigation matters in federal and state court and before a variety of administrative agencies that range from wage and hour, Title VII, retaliation, harassment, trade secret and restrictive covenant matters, and wrongful termination issues. Kelsey has experience representing clients in front of the Department of Labor, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and equivalent state agencies. She also represents businesses against union grievances and unfair labor practice charges.
Robert Ziemian
Robert Ziemian is a partner in Haynes Boone’s Denver office. Robert Ziemian builds and enforces intellectual property portfolios in the e-commerce age. Focusing on the unique and compelling aspects of anticipated products he designs protection schemes involving patents, design patents, trade dress, trademarks, and copyrights, resulting in tailored protection for distinctive products. Robert specializes in stopping knockoffs and counterfeits and provides clients a menu of solutions, including e-commerce monitoring and takedowns, cease and desist letters and soft enforcement, and federal district court and International Trade Commission (ITC) proceedings.